Table of Contents on right hand column?


How can I display a table of contents on the right hand column of the page like in Wikipedia. Must I switch to the Vector skin or is there a way this can be done with the BlueSpice skin?

Thanks for the great product, otherwise!

Hi michael8,

welcome to the BlueSpice community forum!

I also like this feature of the Vector skin to have a sticky TOC in the navigation sidebar. As you noticed, the Discovery skin currently does not have this functionality implemented.

I tried switching to Vector out of curiosity, but it of course does not consider a lot of BlueSpice custom functionality. Even opening a page in visual editing mode was not possible. You also lose the Book navigation and the enhanced search functionality, access to the Global actions menu for the quick links to a lot of useful special pages, and probably other features.

I think that the option to switch to Vector should not even be available, since it won’t work in BlueSpice. I’ll create a ticket for that. I can also create a feature request for this functionality and see where it goes.

BlueSpice community support team