Issue with Menus (top level)

I have installed BlueSpice Free 4.4.1 (build:20240209132702)
This was installed on top of an existing MediaWiki installation (1.39.6)

We are using the BlueSpice Discovery 4.4.1 skin

I am viewing the Wiki with a variety of browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) on MacOS Sonoma 14.3.1; all browsers exhibit the same issue.

The issues are related to the menus displayed when clicking the gear icon or the personal icon.

The menus items are arranged horizontally, not vertically, meaning that they scroll off the right side of the browser window instead of being stacked on top of each other.


A few questions:

  • What screen resolution do you use?
  • Do you maybe have a zoom factor enabled in the browser?
  • Are there maybe CSS formatting rules on the page “MedaWiki:Common.css” that may collide with the skin? See also Manual:Interface/Stylesheets - MediaWiki

I have two monitors. One is 1080x1920 the other is 3440x1440

No zoom on any browser

The the best of my knowledge we have never touched the Common.css file. Is there anything in particular in that file that relates to how the menus are formatted I should double-check?

In a possibly related note, the Login link seems really really small. Can anyone confirm if this is displaying correctly or if it is also misformatted?


No, it should look like this:

You say

This was installed on top of an existing MediaWiki installation (1.39.6)

Maybe there is some other extension interfering with the styles. Can you please share the list of extensions/skins from Special:Version?

Yes, I have a massive number of things installed :slight_smile:

I have no manually activated Extensions; all of this is turned on by either BlueSpice or some other configuration setting outside of LocalSettings.php

Installed skins
Skin Version
BlueSpice Discovery 4.4.1
Vector 1.0.0
Special pages
Extension Version
FlexiSkin 2.1.1
InviteSignup 1.0.0+2021-09-01
UserMerge 1.10.1
Extension Version
VisualEditor 0.1.2
WikiEditor 0.5.3
Parser hooks
Extension Version
Arrays 2.2.1
DynamicPageList3 3.5.1
EmbedVideo 3.2.8
ImageMapEdit 2.1.4
InputBox 0.3.0
Lingo 3.2.1
Loops 1.0.0-beta
ParserFunctions 1.6.1
RSS feed 2.25.1
SyntaxHighlight 2
TemplateStyles 1
UrlGetParameters 1.6.0
UserFunctions 2.8.1
Variables 2.5.3
Extension Version
Hit Counters 0.3.4
BlueSpice extensions
Extension Version
BlueSpiceAbout 4.4.1
BlueSpiceArticleInfo 4.4.1
BlueSpiceAuthors 4.4.1
BlueSpiceAvatars 4.4.1
BlueSpiceChecklist 4.4.1
BlueSpiceConfigManager 4.4.1
BlueSpiceContextMenu 4.4.1
BlueSpiceCountThings 4.4.1
BlueSpiceCustomMenu 4.4.1
BlueSpiceDashboards 4.4.1
BlueSpiceDistributionConnector 4.4.1
BlueSpiceEchoConnector 4.4.1
BlueSpiceEmoticons 4.4.1
BlueSpiceExtendedStatistics 4.4.1
BlueSpiceFoundation 4.4.1
BlueSpiceGroupManager 4.4.1
BlueSpiceHideTitle 4.4.1
BlueSpiceInsertCategory 4.4.1
BlueSpiceInsertFile 4.4.1
BlueSpiceInsertLink 4.4.1
BlueSpiceInstanceStatus 4.4.1
BlueSpiceInterWikiLinks 4.4.1
BlueSpiceNamespaceManager 4.4.1
BlueSpicePageAccess 4.4.1
BlueSpicePageAssignments 4.4.1
BlueSpicePagesVisited 4.4.1
BlueSpicePageTemplates 4.4.1
BlueSpicePermissionManager 4.4.1
BlueSpiceQrCode 4.4.1
BlueSpiceReaders 4.4.1
BlueSpiceRSSFeeder 4.4.1
BlueSpiceSaferEdit 4.4.1
BlueSpiceSmartList 4.4.1
BlueSpiceTagCloud 4.4.1
BlueSpiceUEModuleHTML 4.4.1
BlueSpiceUniversalExport 4.4.1
BlueSpiceUsageTracker 4.4.1
BlueSpiceUserManager 4.4.1
BlueSpiceUserSidebar 4.4.1
BlueSpiceVisualEditorConnector 4.4.1
BlueSpiceWatchList 4.4.1
BlueSpiceWhoIsOnline 4.4.1
BlueSpice assets
Extension Version
Twitter Bootstrap v5.3.2
Twitter Bootstrap Icons v1.10.3
Extension Version
ContentDroplets 1.0.5
EnhancedUpload 2.0.5
ExtJSBase 3.0.5
FilterSpecialPages 2.0.5
FontAwesome 2.0.0
MenuEditor 2.0.5
OOJSPlus 2.0.5
PageHeader 2.1.1
StandardDialogs 2.0.5
TitleKey 1
VisualEditorPlus 1.0.1
Installed libraries
Library Version
bacon/bacon-qr-code 1.0.3
christian-riesen/base32 1.6.0
composer/installers 1.12.0
composer/semver 3.3.2
cssjanus/cssjanus 2.1.1
data-values/common 1.1.0
data-values/data-values 3.1.0
data-values/interfaces 1.0.0
data-values/validators 1.0.0
endroid/qr-code 2.5.1
ezimuel/guzzlestreams 3.1.0
ezimuel/ringphp 1.2.2
ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.17.0
guzzlehttp/guzzle 7.4.5
guzzlehttp/promises 1.5.3
guzzlehttp/psr7 2.4.5
jakobo/hotp-php 2.0.0
justinrainbow/json-schema 5.2.11
khanamiryan/qrcode-detector-decoder 1
liuggio/statsd-php-client 1.0.18
maennchen/zipstream-php 2.2.6
markbaker/complex 3.0.2
markbaker/matrix 3.0.1
monolog/monolog 2.2.0
mwstake/mediawiki-component-alertbanners 2.0.5
mwstake/mediawiki-component-commonuserinterface 4.0.0
mwstake/mediawiki-component-commonwebapis 2.0.11
mwstake/mediawiki-component-contentprovisioner 2.1.2
mwstake/mediawiki-component-datastore 1.0.5
mwstake/mediawiki-component-dynamicconfig 1.0.8
mwstake/mediawiki-component-formengine 2.0.13
mwstake/mediawiki-component-manifestregistry 2.1.3
mwstake/mediawiki-component-notifications 2.0.1
mwstake/mediawiki-component-runjobstrigger 2.0.1
mwstake/mediawiki-component-utils 2.0.4
mwstake/mediawiki-component-wikitext 6.0.1
mwstake/mediawiki-componentloader 1.0.0
mwstake/mediawiki-lib-nodes 1.0.6
myclabs/php-enum 1.8.4
oojs/oojs-ui 0.44.5
opensearch-project/opensearch-php 2.2.0
param-processor/param-processor 1.12.0
pear/console_getopt 1.4.3
pear/mail 1.5.1
pear/mail_mime 1.10.11
pear/net_smtp 1.10.0
pear/net_socket 1.2.2
pear/net_url2 2.2.2
pear/pear-core-minimal 1.10.14
pear/pear_exception 1.0.2
phpoffice/phpspreadsheet 1.29.0
pleonasm/bloom-filter 1.0.3
psr/container 1.1.1
psr/http-client 1.0.3
psr/http-factory 1.0.2
psr/http-message 1.0.1
psr/log 1.1.4
psr/simple-cache 1.0.1
ralouphie/getallheaders 3.0.3
react/promise 2.11.0
symfony/deprecation-contracts 2.5.2
symfony/options-resolver 2.8.52
symfony/polyfill-php80 1.28.0
symfony/polyfill-php81 1.28.0
symfony/polyfill-php82 1.28.0
symfony/polyfill-php83 1.28.0
symfony/property-access 2.8.52
symfony/yaml 5.4.23
wikimedia/assert 0.5.1
wikimedia/at-ease 2.1.0
wikimedia/base-convert 2.0.2
wikimedia/cdb 2.0.0
wikimedia/cldr-plural-rule-parser 2.0.0
wikimedia/common-passwords 0.4.0
wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin 2.0.1
wikimedia/css-sanitizer 4.0.1
wikimedia/html-formatter 4.0.3
wikimedia/idle-dom 1.0.0
wikimedia/ip-set 3.1.0
wikimedia/ip-utils 4.0.0
wikimedia/less.php 3.1.0
wikimedia/minify 2.3.0
wikimedia/normalized-exception 1.0.1
wikimedia/object-factory 4.0.0
wikimedia/parsoid 0.16.2
wikimedia/php-session-serializer 2.0.1
wikimedia/purtle 1.0.8
wikimedia/relpath 3.0.0
wikimedia/remex-html 3.0.3
wikimedia/request-timeout 1.2.0
wikimedia/running-stat 2.1.0
wikimedia/scoped-callback 4.0.0
wikimedia/services 3.0.0
wikimedia/shellbox 3.0.0
wikimedia/timestamp 4.1.1
wikimedia/utfnormal 3.0.2
wikimedia/wait-condition-loop 2.0.2
wikimedia/wikipeg 2.0.6
wikimedia/wrappedstring 4.0.1
wikimedia/xmp-reader 0.8.6
wikimedia/zest-css 2.0.2
zordius/lightncandy 1.2.6

Still trying to fix this issue. I upgraded to BlueSpice free 4.4.2; issue unresolved

When I tail error_log, I see these entries: [~/public_html/wiki]# tail error_log
[23-Mar-2024 21:09:05 Europe/Berlin] PHP Deprecated: Use of BaseTemplate::getTrail was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.39. [Called from BaseTemplate::printTrail in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/skins/BaseTemplate.php at line 437] in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 381
[23-Mar-2024 21:09:05 Europe/Berlin] PHP Deprecated: Use of QuickTemplate::(get/html/text/haveData) with parameter bottomscripts was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.39. [Called from QuickTemplate::get in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/skins/QuickTemplate.php at line 144] in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 381
[23-Mar-2024 21:09:07 Europe/Berlin] PHP Deprecated: Use of QuickTemplate::(get/html/text/haveData) with parameter headelement was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.39. [Called from QuickTemplate::html in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/skins/QuickTemplate.php at line 168] in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 381
[23-Mar-2024 21:09:07 Europe/Berlin] PHP Deprecated: Use of BaseTemplate::printTrail was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.39. [Called from BlueSpice\Discovery\Template::execute in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/skins/BlueSpiceDiscovery/src/Template.php at line 31] in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 381
[23-Mar-2024 21:09:07 Europe/Berlin] PHP Deprecated: Use of BaseTemplate::getTrail was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.39. [Called from BaseTemplate::printTrail in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/skins/BaseTemplate.php at line 437] in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 381
[23-Mar-2024 21:09:07 Europe/Berlin] PHP Deprecated: Use of QuickTemplate::(get/html/text/haveData) with parameter bottomscripts was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.39. [Called from QuickTemplate::get in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/skins/QuickTemplate.php at line 144] in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 381
[23-Mar-2024 21:09:23 Europe/Berlin] PHP Deprecated: Use of QuickTemplate::(get/html/text/haveData) with parameter headelement was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.39. [Called from QuickTemplate::html in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/skins/QuickTemplate.php at line 168] in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 381
[23-Mar-2024 21:09:23 Europe/Berlin] PHP Deprecated: Use of BaseTemplate::printTrail was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.39. [Called from BlueSpice\Discovery\Template::execute in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/skins/BlueSpiceDiscovery/src/Template.php at line 31] in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 381
[23-Mar-2024 21:09:23 Europe/Berlin] PHP Deprecated: Use of BaseTemplate::getTrail was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.39. [Called from BaseTemplate::printTrail in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/skins/BaseTemplate.php at line 437] in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 381
[23-Mar-2024 21:09:23 Europe/Berlin] PHP Deprecated: Use of QuickTemplate::(get/html/text/haveData) with parameter bottomscripts was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.39. [Called from QuickTemplate::get in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/skins/QuickTemplate.php at line 144] in /home3/alderacw/public_html/wiki/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 381

It appears that some of the PHP being called in bluespicediscovery was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.39. Could this be causing this problem?

This issue appears to be related to this problem:

Minor update
When I visit Special:Preferences the top menu formats correctly and the drop down menus are also formatted correctly.

This appears to be the only page on the site that formatting works properly on.

Also, if I change the Skin to Vector (2020) the Vector skin renders correctly.

Thanks for providing the list of extensions. I can not see anything unusual.

Well, we know about T306942 and will fix this with the next minor release. For the current release it is just a deprecation and therefore should not cause any real issues.

Can you confirm that there are no error messages written to the output of the webserver? Not just when calling index.php but also in load.php which is responsible to deliver the styles.

Unfortunately I can not reproduce this. Maybe you can use the browser’s developer tools to identify the problematic (missing?) stylings, by comparing the situation on “Special:Preferences” with the one on another page?

Comparing my homepage to my Preferences special page, I note some differences.

The Preferences page has links in the first stylehseet href to:


These don’t appear in the Homepage stylesheet href.

The following

First, in the Preferences page, instead of ns-0 it uses ns-1.

Second, I think there’s a typo. Should this say bs-cusTom-menu-active? (Missing “t”. The same typo is on both pages.)