Support for mermaid & vote for features of interest

Most (if not all) of the wiki documentation tools support plantuml or mermaid.
See here for mermaid.

As mermaid integration shall be easier than plantuml can you plan to add this as a future bluespice release?

It could even be integrated as a drawio plugin: GitHub - nopeslide/drawio_mermaid_plugin: Mermaid plugin for drawio desktop

Where is the topic for features request by the way?
Is there a list of open features requests with a way to vote for most relevant to bluespice end users features to be added?

Thanks for your request! There are currently no plans to include this with an upcoming release. But I will take this into the internal discussions about the roadmap.

Is there a customer visibility on the roadmap?

Thx and regards.


No, unfortunately not. As part of our plans to make BlueSpice development more public, this is also something we want to have in the future. But at the moment there is no such place, sorry.