Error: wki_mws_user_index' doesn't exist Function

Describe the issue / Steps to reproduce:
Directly after a fresh installation I’m adding a new user which throws the following error message:

Error 1146: Table ‘wiki##sys.wki_mws_user_index’ doesn’t exist Function: MWStake\MediaWiki\Component\CommonWebAPIs\UserIndexUpdater::store Query: INSERT INTO wki_mws_user_index (mui_user_id,mui_user_name,mui_user_real_name) VALUES (1,‘#userid#’,‘#user full name#’) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE mui_user_id = 1,mui_user_name = ‘#userid#’,mui_user_real_name = ‘#user full name#’

Would this mean that the current installation package is broken?

Expected behavior:
Creation of user without any errors.

What was the error message/error log?
Error 1146: Table ‘wiki##sys.wki_mws_user_index’ doesn’t exist Function: MWStake\MediaWiki\Component\CommonWebAPIs\UserIndexUpdater::store Query: INSERT INTO wki_mws_user_index (mui_user_id,mui_user_name,mui_user_real_name) VALUES (1,‘#userid#’,‘#user full name#’) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE mui_user_id = 1,mui_user_name = ‘#userid#’,mui_user_real_name = ‘#user full name#’

See above error message

System info:
view system requirements

  • OS: Debian 12
  • PHP: 8.2
  • Database: MariaDB / 10.11.6-MariaDB-0+deb12u1
  • BlueSpice version: BlueSpice 4.5.1 (on MediaWiki 1.39.8)
  • Browser version: Firefox 130.0 64-bit

Hello and welcome to the BlueSpice Community forums!

This is a known bug. It will be fixed very soon with 4.5.2.

See also Make sure nothing is indexed until tables are ready by it-spiderman · Pull Request #22 · hallowelt/mwstake-mediawiki-component-commonwebapis · GitHub