Arm (aarch64) not supported, but not in System Requirements

Describe the issue / Steps to reproduce:
A clear description of what the issue is.
Doenst state only x64 / x86 support. Search container doenst start on arm.

Expected behavior:
A clear description of what you expected to happen.

What was the error message/error log?
Did the screen show an error? Did you look at any error logs? This info will speed up the solution process.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

System info:

  • OS: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS aarch64
  • Using: Docker
  • BlueSpice version: [e.g. BlueSpice free 4.3.3]

Hello SaiCode and welcome to the BlueSpice community forums!

You are right, ARM is not supported. Thanks for reporting this. We will adjust the documentation.

Hello SaiCode,
even though there is no official aarch64-support, there is a workaround for the search container: please use GitHub - hallowelt/docker-bluespice-search at FixArmSupport to build the search image with the same name as required in bluespice-deploy. For aarch64(arm64) you might need to build more images like this, though others won’t have the kind of error that originally blocks docker-bluespice-search. I have tested all of them on my Mac with arm chip, where the latest BlueSpice runs very well.