PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error

Habe dies im BlueSpiceDiscovery Skin:

PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mwsInitComponents()

Normal direkt über Gerrit repo gezogen:

git init
git pull

Wird in der Datei skins/BlueSpiceDiscovery/src/Setup.php in zeile 15 ausgelöst

The error also appears in the BlueSpiceFoundation extension

Did you run composer update --no-dev on the cloned directory?

In general it is recommended to install BlueSpice components using composer. See Composer/For extensions - MediaWiki

You will also need to add as a package registry.

Now this comes:

Class “ResourceLoaderFileModule” not found

In extensions/BlueSpiceFoundation/vendor/mwstake/mediawiki-component-commonuserinterface/src/ResourceLoader/LessVars.php line 12

looks like probably the composer update is giving error, maybe you do a fresh clone and try again

I removed the composer.lock file and installed it! But, even if I try it with this one, I get the error