Migration v3 to v4 Namespaces not transferred

I followed Upgrade from BlueSpice 3 to 4 - BlueSpice Wiki to migrate our Wiki to a new VM with BlueSpice v4 installed (from v3).

The custom namespaces were not transferred, despite copying $wiki/extensions/BlueSpiceFoundation/config/nm-settings.php from the old to the new server.

The Namespace Manager did not show the custom namespaces, but when I created them in Namespace Manager, all the pages were present. If I create a new namespace in BlueSpice v4, $wiki/extensions/BlueSpiceFoundation/config/nm-settings.php is not updated.

Where does Namespace Manager now store its settings?

System info:
view system requirements

  • OS: Rocky Linux 9
  • Server: Apache 2.4
  • PHP: PHP 8.2
  • Database: MariaDB 10.5
  • BlueSpice version: BlueSpice free 4.5.3
  • Browser version: MS Edge 131.0.2903.112

Hello and welcome to the BlueSpice community forums!

NamespaceManager settings are now stored directly in the database. There is a migration script that should convert extensions/BlueSpiceFoundation/config/nm-settings.php automatically during update.php.

You can try running it manually:

php extensions/BlueSpiceNamespaceManager/src/Maintenance/MigrateNmSettings.php --force

Thank you; I’ve deployed another v4 server (the first one was UAT, this one will replace live) and migrated the content and all the namespaces have migrated correctly(!)

I’m not sure why it didn’t work the first time, but this time it has.

Many thanks!

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