Facing issue when saving Cognitive Process Designer Diagram

Describe the issue / Steps to reproduce:
I have installed Cognitive Process Designer, I am facing this error when I save the the diagram.
This is the function where the error is showing in the console:
private function garbageCollect() {
$db = $this->loadBalancer->getConnection( DB_PRIMARY );
$hourAgo = ( new DateTime() )->sub( new DateInterval( “PT{$this->garbageInterval}M” ) );
'p_started < ’ . $db->timestamp( $hourAgo->format( ‘YmdHis’ ) ),
'p_state != ’ . $db->addQuotes( InterruptingProcessStep::STATUS_INTERRUPTED ),

What was the error message/error log?
“message”: “Error 42601: ERROR: syntax error at or near "05"\nLINE 1: …*/ FROM "processes" WHERE (p_started < 2024-04-17 05:55:32+0…\n ^\n\nFunction: MWStake\MediaWiki\Component\ProcessManager\ProcessManager::garbageCollect\nQuery: DELETE FROM "processes" WHERE (p_started < 2024-04-17 05:55:32+00) AND (p_state != ‘interrupted’)\n”,

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

System info:
view system requirements

  • Database: [e.g. PostgreSql 5.6]

Hello subhan,
we need more information to better understand the problem.
Which database server are you using? Which version of the CognitiveProcessDesigner extension are you using?
Many thanks and best regards